July 13, 2021, by Richard Pfister

New Client Example: Fargo Moorhead Economic Profile

Comprehensive data for a comprehensive economic development strategy

We are really excited to announce this one! A long time in the making, the Fargo Moorhead Economic Profile just launched and you can visit it live here.

Greater Fargo Moorhead has a great product to sell, from infrastructure to higher education to a "hard work" culture that imbues its workforce. The data dashboard supports this with a carefully assembled collection of metrics and trends.

The Greater Fargo Moorhead EDC is after primary sector job growth. The economic profile dashboard provides a finger on the pulse for this goal, all in a visual, easy-to-consume package. We were inspired by the incredibly smart folks at the GFMEDC as we collaborated on this project, and the end result truly speaks for itself!

Greater Fargo Moorhead Economic Profile

Interested in exploring a data dashboard to tell your story? Click the button below to schedule a call.